Sunday, January 01, 2006

A new year that'll change everything

First thing we did today was go for a walk in the winding country roads near our house. It actually felt quite energising - what with me not doing much exercise normally - and it was good to get out in the fresh air and contemplate. It had that new year's day feel to it. Cold but bright, quiet and calm.

After a dash to the supermarket to pick up strawberry jelly and grapes, we kicked around the house feeling weird again for a bit. The sickness is still there - quite bad sometimes. It's so odd, there's absolutely bugger all I can do about it. We're trying everything but not much seems to have much effect. The chinese accupressure wristbands are likely to be next to useless, as I secretly thought actually. £7.50 into the cackling man at Boots' pockets. Laughing all the way to the bank every time some buffoon buys into the alternative psuedo-medicine twaddle. Obvious, really... I mean they actually spend money & do real research on real drugs! Try peer-reviewing these bloody wristbands and see what you get.

New Year's Eve, by the way, ended with us both asleep by midnight and then waking up as the cretins in the street let off fireworks on the stroke of midnight. Fireworks - I mean, come on. What kind of a waste of money is that? Here's my £200 - please set fire to it now.

So, sorry about the Victor Meldrew stuff here. I am cheerful, honestly.

So I have to do the Christmas visit to the folks tomorrow. Really weird as I can't say anything about all this just yet... really odd keeping this all to ourselves.

Not sure how my thoughts are developing with regard to being a parent, although it's pretty bloody scary even writing that! So I guess that answers the question... we went for pizza tonight with some friends and there was this table where there were four kids under 4 and four adults. The kids were screaming the place down at that sonic pitch which just makes you wince... how do they do that? I couldn't hit that note if I tried. Anyhow, it made me laugh - the peace of this suburban house is going to be fairly hugely shattered not too long from now, all being well.

Have ordered pregnancy books from Amazon for delivery to home - we normally send deliveries to work as there's always someone there but thought it'd be best if these came here in case they got accidentally opened... oh, the hilarity.

A friend said a while back that when he had his first child he stopped, unintentionally, giving a monkey about his cats. Seems sad - I hope that won't happen to me as I love my cats! I can hear the knowing nods of parents everywhere now as they say quietly "hey lad, you just wait and see.." Oh those know-it-alls...!


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