Woah! And I meant to write every day. Dammit.
So, it's been a while since I wrote. I did mean to write every day but - well, frankly - not much happened every day. I thought it would. 280 days of rollercoaster. But until, like, just now it's been a bit slow. Don't believe the crap in the books - it does take forever and it's *not* over in a quick flash!
So here we are. Let's try to recap the last 3 months.
Scan was good, eventually. The first time we went we didn't get good enough pictures so the radiologist could measure, so we had to go back. Funniest thing - they make you (the pregnant one) drink 2 large glasses of water an hour before you get the scan - so she's sat there, the radiologist is running late and she's desperate to pee. Actually, not funny, but one of those things I guess designed to remove most of your dignity in the health service!
So we got round to doing boring stuff like choosing a pram (easier to choose a car or, say, fly to the moon on a surfboard). Car seat is almost sorted, we've done Ebay for a bunch of clothes. We're trying to move house this month too (nice timing, well done). So we've been sorting that out too.
Bump is bigger but not as big as some of her friends with similar times to go before the big day. I think because she's normally tall and slim that makes it look smaller. I don't know, I'm just making this stuff up.
So far we've had no ante-natal classes because we can't find anywhere that's got space. So we don't know how to change a nappy yet, or why the baby cries, or anything really. Life hasn't really changed since the end of December. I know not a lot more now than I did then and, well, I guess I could be scared about that but I'm not. What's the worst that can happen?
Anyway, sounds like I'm in denial...! No, I know it's going to be a huge, life changing thing. Just don't know exactly how just yet.
Anyway, EDD (estimated due date) is August 12th, so watch out... I might write again before then!
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