Hey, it's out there
OK, it's been a whirlwind few days.
Went to see her parents on Saturday. It was all kind of rushed really, not like I'd imagined really. We turned up at her mum's about 6 o'clock for dinner. Sitting around before dinner, there was a break in the conversation; she said 'well, we have some news' at which point her mum said 'oh, you're not having a baby are you?'
Well, there was that moment where a whole bunch of panic runs through your head; it turned out ok, thank goodness. Her mum seemed to need a little time for it to sink in, but I'm assured she was actually pleased, even though it didn't look that way. I suppose if you creep up on someone with that kind of news, it's not going to be received in the way you expect it to!
So we had dinner and it was kind of late before we got back to her dad's house. He was still up, and her stepmum came down when we arrived. It was after 10, so I thought we'd stay over and tell them in the morning, but she decided to do it then and there - funniest thing ever, really. Not sure his reaction was entirely what I thought it'd be either, but I guess you can't predict these things. He was pleased, that was apparent - just I think the timing isn't quite perfect.
Today we pretty-much told everyone else, and it's suddenly becoming really real. Actually, the whole dynamic has changed a bit. It's gone from being this little secret we've had into this whole public thing. Seems like I'm losing control of it a bit. So many people emailing and calling to talk - mostly to her, which is understandable! Seems like it's becoming less to do with me in a funny kind of way.
First midwife visit was on Monday - apparently, she was able to hear the baby's heartbeat and she's going to have a blood test next week (week 16) for working out the risk of Down's. Scan is in a few weeks.
So, nothing happens for weeks and everything happens in a few days. Guess this is where it all starts!
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