New Year's Eve 2005
So, it's new year's eve. We're having a blinding evening, sat indoors watching the telly. Had our first 'normal' day since the news came - went for a great lunch with her best friend and another friend (I will name all these people once it's ok to tell people about it!).
Sickness (again, her's, not mine) has come & gone through the day. Today we are trying Chinese accupressure wristbands for travel sickness.
Wondered today if I'd suddenly grown up. Thought that this was probably not the case and that I absolutely shouldn't be trusted with the care of a small child. I'm guaranteed to forget it's there one day, or leave it outside a shop. Hilarious, they'll say, before calling social services.
Just paid the council tax and water bill online and thought very carefully about my bank balance.
In my continuing series of weather notices, we had a rainbow today.
Short one for today really - again, nothing really happened today. Still getting over the shock.